HP2: Tackling the global climate and water crisis –
Consistent policy, effective action, and the role of academia.

23.11.2023 09:45 – 10:45
Main Auditory

This high panel, moderated by Prof. Dr. Andreas Haarstrick debates the topic “Tackling the Global Climate and Water Crisis – Consistent policy, effective action, and the role of academia”. 

Three decades after the Rio Summit, there have been notable improvements in the global water situation across certain regions. Nevertheless, the critical water situation has massively intensified in many areas due to the needs and impacts caused by rapidly growing populations and ongoing industrialization, arbitrary and unregulated exploitation of nature, and the exacerbating effects of advanced climate change.

The message emerging from many scientific reports delivered by water experts around the world is a serious one and underlies the urgency to adapt and prepare for a water crisis that is highly likely to occur. The exploitation of nature and ongoing climate change are reinforcing factors, triggering irreversible processes, and destroying sensitive natural balances – of which biodiversity is the basis. The much-discussed tipping points will with high probability be reached by 2050, if mankind continues as before (business as usual).

Through the participation of representatives from academia, development cooperation, government and business, the organizers are bringing together fundamental expertise to discuss questions such as (1) How can we still come to effective, sustainable solutions given the rapidly changing environmental conditions, caused by thoughtless, inconsiderate and profit-led human interventions in nature? or (2) What measures need to be taken quickly as a priority, and what role do academia, politics, business and society play to move away from this destructive to a sustainable and intelligent course of action?

Andreas Haarstrick
Professor for Bioprocess Engineering
Leichtweiß Institut at the TU Braunschweig
Christian BirkelWater and Global Change Observatory
University of Costa Rica
Lars RibbeInstitute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) at the TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences
Diana UlloaRed Agua Ecuador
Andrés Martínez MoscosoDirector de Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Victor ShindeHead Climate Centre for Cities
National Institute of Urban Affairs
Core 4B, India Habitat Centre